Lesson Four: Volcanoes

please access this website: https://www.abc.net.au/education/btn-volcanoes-and-people/13940840 

At first the idea that people choose to live on or near volcanoes can seem nonsensical, however as you have learned through this resource volcanoes can have great benefits for people and animals alike. 

Once you have been able to access the website and taken your own notes an email will be sent to you that will inform you who your partner for the next exercise is and an invitation for a Zoom session. During this time, you can discuss how volcanoes affected the people living on or near them based on what you learned from the website. you will then have a chance to compile benefits and drawbacks of living near volcanoes which you can discuss with the class as a whole.

Write the benefits and disadvantages of living near volcanoes in this google document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19l78KFbGoqnWIGiMqCIAowEYEXvXXCBOrCwnLxX4NEI/edit?usp=sharing

from: https://www.ibtimes.co.in/catastrophic-volcanic-eruption-can-wipe-out-human-civilisation-scientists-warn-629832

from: https://eskipaper.com/volcano-8.html

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