Lesson Three: Tsunamis


Please access this website: https://knowledge.aidr.org.au/resources/the-ultimate-guide-tsunami/#/

Tsunamis can be devasting to the people that are affected by them. Using what you have learned about tsunamis from the website above write a journal entry of someone who is affected by a tsunami. 

your journal entry should be 300 to 400 words in length. 

Things to include in your entry include:

1. Where you live.

2. What time the tsunami occurred.

3. What warning if any did you have.

4. How has this tsunami impacted you.

5. How did living through this tsunami make you feel. 

Once your journal entry is completed a zoom call will be created that you can join to share your journal entry and what you found interesting and new from the resource. It would be advisable to write a list of questions you may still have about tsunamis that we can discuss as a class over the call. 

The link to the session will be emailed to you closer to the date.

from: https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-a-tsunami-2014-4

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